Wednesday, 6 February 2008

facing the final curtain

and now, the end is near.......
only an hour and a half to go and the show is winding down.
Thanks to MICROS travel for the free chocolate and Anteeo Solutions Ltd for the fruit. (fruit cancels out the calories in the chocolate - so all is well)


Did you hear about the cow that won the Nobel Prize?

He was out standing in his field.

Oh dear.

Chips and Wheels

this is my first experince into the world of travel idustry and I must say its an eye- and mind- opener to see the excitin prodcuts and service.

I guess balance is key here between what business needs and a procuts's promise. it's how to make the chips fall and wheels seemingly interact together that will drive any business ahead.

Good Luck!

Khaled AlAttar

So Many Solutions!

Having spent the last two days here (exhibiting) it's amazing to see how many solutions there are that claim they can revolutionise a travel business's performance.

But where do you start? Who do you trust? Which 'whiz-bang' solution is right for you?

It's especially difficult to answer the complicated questions when the simplest seem difficult to answer.

During a seminar about 'turning your web presence up a notch' including our MD Lewis Lenssen and representatives from Travletek and Nucleus, we couldn’t even reach reasonable consensus on the importance of images and how they should be used.

At the end of the day not every travel business is high end and needs beautiful hi res images to sell. No one size or solution fits all but some seminar speakers will have you believing that because it worked for their clients it must work for everyone. Not so I'm afraid.

We know all too well that just because we dramatically improved ROI for one client using interactive maps it doesn't mean it will work for the next.

Travel Technology is great because there are so many solutions on offer but we must all remember to wipe away the hype and get to what will really deliver improved returns for each unique business.


Two down, two to go

We've had two great Travolution-led seminars this morning. Good debate - excellent presentations.

Two more to go: "It's Marketing, Jim, But Not As We Know It" and "Starting Up Again".

Be there...

I was forced to do this by the blond on the stand

Fantastic opportunity to source all the information I need under 1 roof.

Paul Wilson
Fans Go Ltd

Screen-scraping gets kicked into touch

Here's a thought on preventing screen-scraping raised by Andrew Knott, Global's IT director.

He suggests we might see the likes of easyJet and Ryanair putting one of the those funny words in for users to type before getting into price and availability.

Seems simple and effective but wouldn't it just be one more step for consumers?


Excellent presentation from Commingator this morning - we certainly learned a lot about how to send our newsletter out next time. Maybe we'll exhibit next year and present on international search behaviour in the Travel business.
Oban Multilingual

Last Day

Everyone seems a bit subdued today - late night last night guys?

Day Two!

One more day to go.

Travolution seminars run all day...

CarTrawler won the innovation award last night. Well done to them. Shame COO Bobby Healy left 30 minutes beforehand to catch a flight.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


Word is that there is less footfall this year and therefore it's becoming expensive to be here compared with WTM.

TTS attracts VCs shock

What's new at TTS? Venture capitalists are around. It seems travel tech has come up in the world!

DP - where will it all end?

Three or more years on we're still all going on about DP so much so that even the staff at the TTS/Earls Ct coffee bars are DP branded, as pointed out by Mark Bradbury from RWA.

Go see for yourselves!


Am so impressed by Shaeran Thomas - even though England lost - she is a superb advert for the Welsh.......come on the Taffies

Kevin Abbott

Skiguru goes to Travel Tec

Turned up at the show eager to see what is new in the web-marketing world. Armed with my ticket to the WEB 2.0 Seminar, how nice to see everyone queuing politely... The queue is an English artform! The speakers got underway with an in-sight into the developement of viral advertising and the use of social networking sites from Francesca of, followed by a mouthwatering view on the development of from Jerome, and topped off with a behind the scenes look at with Nathan... The main message to come out of it is that, as always, if you want to make a difference, you have to think outside of the box, that businesses need inspirational ideas at every link in the chain, and whereas in the old days, your message took time to filter though to the market, now, your message can be in every living room at the click of a mouse....
Enjoy the show, visit me at for more thoughts...

Terrapinn in Travel Tech

Travel Tech is a great forum in which to do business. Would write more, but have to get back to networking....

MyBookingWeb Blog

Hello there, I'm Valieriy Slysarenko, and this is the first entry on my blog of Travolution :)

Going mobile

Top 5 facts from this morning's session on mobile travel for the cynics out there:

*Amongst iPhones recently developed applications 42 are travel centric

* More than £400m was invested in mobile advertising in 2006 and research shows that the figure will hit £10bn in the next three years

* There are 70m mobile subscribers in the UK (3bn worldwide by the end of 2008)

* 74% of all users of mobile internet are over the age of 30

* Google mobile is the number one mobile service in the UK

So, loads of problems in terms of networks, handsets etc. but still some convincing numbers.

Linda Fox, lead reporter, Travolution

Busy day

Started out with a brisk walk from Kensington, then dozed off at the OTA lectures.

Luch, english pie, then the exhibition. Lots of people, lots of stands. An impressive gathering of technology companies, offering several interesting products, and very willing to answer questions from a stay foreigner.

Great show!

Future tech seminar

An interesting seminar-
However a few points - 1) Travel needs to look to the future of tech and what other industries are using, not rely on it fitting their pre-concieved business plans
2) Internet fatigue - could it really be that many travel sites dont have the content and functionality that make a user enjoy their site - afterall if users suffered from fatigue then PPC, Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter, would all be loosing users not gaining them.

Overall an interesting show- but remarkebly few companies talking about SEO, PPC etc without simply saying "its web 2.0" as if thats a magic fix it pill... visit the travel tech for the first time!

Travel Tech show has been a great way to find partners to work with on our Travel mapping solutions. Its been interesting to see what is already in the market and explore the future possibilities in a new and exciting technology.

Brian Norman
Technical Director

Prize for most hi-tech looking stand goes to...

Nice Show

It is the first time for me attending this show,
it is really nice and busy.
i like to visit it again next year

Osama Kofahi

I don't know where I'm going...

We've been wandering around for about half an hour now. The highlights have been the interesting Galileo solutions Navitas do and a chicken club sandwich.

No other stands have really grabbed me yet apart from one where a lady made me write this...

Off to the expert panel discussion thingy later to see what the experts have to say for themselves.

It seems quite busy

The show seems somewhat busier so far than the first morning of the show last year.

Maybe online travel is set to buck the economic trend, as confidence (well bravado at least) seems high at TTS.

new chief executive at ostoratravel

I'd like the show to be a bit bigger, but I've only just got here.

Quotoid #1

Alas, anonymous:
The thing you need to do here at Travel Technology Show is go round with a
clutch of dynamic packaging solution brochures in your hand.

"You can bet any money you like that the next provider will talk about

Top tip?

We're not so sure...

You really can't miss us this year

Monday, 4 February 2008

See you tomorrow!

Pack those bags.

Remember the good walking shoes.

Read our - semi-serious - checklist.

Travolution has its infamous blogging space at the event again, so make sure you come along to 1) introduce yourself and 2) write a brief post about the show.

Lead reporter Linda Fox and editor Kevin May will be at the show on editorial duties. Charlotte Davies and her team will also be there to evangalise about the UK's best online travel and technology media brand (Copyright 2005-2008).

Until tomorrow...

Friday, 1 February 2008

Exhibitor list revealed

So here it is: exhibitor list for the show.

AffiliateFuture - C48
Anite Travel Systems - C21
Anteeo Solutions Ltd - A14
AO International - C12
Astratis Group - C18
Atolis - A27
Avvio - A31
Berkley IT - C53
Bewotec - B45
Biznet IIS Ltd - C14
Blue Star - A36
Bluesky Travel Systems - C33
Boss Marketing - D30
Car Trawler - C15
Cellictica Ltd - D23
Click With Technology Ltd - D45
Codegen Ltd - B15
Communigator - B09
Comtec Europe - A09
Cornerstone Info Systems - B55
CSI Media - C44
Datalex - B56
Dataworld Systems - D18
Didon Solutions Uk Ltd - A46
Dinstinctive Systems Ltd - A52
Dolphin Dynamics - C19
DPMC - D43
Emailcenter UK Limited - D25
Etelligent - A32
Fizzback Group - A25
Globe Track - A45
Go Quo - B26
Hitchhiker/Gateway - B43
Hypertech Solutions - B37
IBS Software Services - C43
IGM Web - B30
InterGlobe Technologies UK - D27
Intuitive Systems - C26
Kelworth Ltd - D33
KnowledgeWire Systems Ltd - A44
Lixto Software GmbH - A20
Logiciels OpenFares Inc - D31
Mayos - C27
Metafour - B30
Micros Travel - A12
Modcomp - A60
Multicom - D48 - B39
Navitas Solutions - C50
Nedstat - A21
Neolane - C17
Net Guides - D54
Netbooster - A57
Netizen Digital - D26/29
Netviewer Gmbh - C36
Nexusnepal Private Ltd - A42
Northway Communications - A55
Open Destinations - B33
Open Travel Alliance - A24
OpenJaw Tech - B44
Osprey Software Ltd - D35
PAF - A33
Partners Software - C32
Pertot Systems - A43
Pipex Business - A37
Pregem Airline Solutions - A26
Pro Eq Ltd - B54
QuadLabs - A38
Real Ex Payments - C08
Rescompany Systems Ltd - B24
Retail Decisions Europe Ltd - B32
Rezgateway - B51
Right Now Technologies - C55
RWA - C45
Sapphire Systems - A48
Site Confidence - B36
Southfield - A51
Stibo Catalog - B07
Stortext FM - D50
Techturners - D14
The Bird Group - A30
The Vertical Group - C54
Top Dog Developments Ltd - D20
Tourplan - C51
Trailstream - C31
Travel Automation - D15
Travel Software Ltd - A16
Travel Technology Systems - B27
Travel UCD - A49
Travelmarket - A03
TravelTainment (UK) Ltd - B25
Traveltek - A54
Traverses Associations - D52
Viatecla Software - C30
Web Applications UK Ltd - C39
Ypsilon Net AB - B21